GameBaba Universe

Every Leak You’ve Heard About PS5 Pro Specs Are Probably True. Sony Takes Down Video

PS5 Pro Rumors Are Getting Hotter Including Claims It Will Upscale 1080p To 4K

Last month, news about the PS5 Pro specs leak surfaced online and trended on most social media platforms. The documentation explaining the specs of the upcoming reboot of the PS5 was first shared by Moore’s Law is Dead. The documentation was eventually verified as coming from Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Developer Network and sent out to third-party developers.

Every Leak You’ve Heard About PS5 Pro Specs Are Probably True. Sony Takes Down Video

However, we always advise that our readers should not dwell so much on rumors and should always wait to hear an official statement from the companies involved. However, action speaks louder than words. Sometimes, how a company acts can be more revealing than what they say.

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The video where Moore’s Law is Dead disclosed PS5 Pro specs has now been taken down. When you try to visit the video, you will get a message saying, “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Sony Interactive Entertainment”.

There are several reasons why a video can be taken down. The most common case is due to the use of copyrighted music. A video can also be taken down for using copyrighted images or videos. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case here. This looks like a direct manual takedown request from Sony.

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If that is the case, it simply means Moore’s Law is Dead revealed more “accurate” information than Sony would want to be in the public domain. At the time of writing, there is no word of explanation from Moore’s Law is Dead. This post will be updated if we hear anything from Moore’s Law is Dead.

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Nintendo carried out a similar crackdown on content creators last year and updated their terms to give them the power to do so. It is strongly believed that PS5 Pro will be released during the holidays later this year.

PS5 Pro specs as leaked by Moore’s Law is Dead

Tom Henderson of Insider Gaming reported that PS5 Pro is being developed under the codename “Trinity” and would target to deliver consistent 4K resolution and a new performance mode that will deliver 8K resolution. Other PS5 Pro specs confirmed through the documentation include:

  • Rendering 45% faster than PS5
  • 2-3x Ray-tracing (x4 in some cases)
  • 5 Teraflops
  • PSSR (PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution Upscaling) upscaling/antialiasing solution
  • Support for resolutions up to 8K is planned for future SDK version
  • Custom machine learning architecture
  • AI Accelerator, supporting 300 TOPS of 8-bit computation / 67 TFLOPS of 16-bit floating point

One of the biggest bumps that will come to PS5 Pro according to the leaked specs is in the CPU. Although identical to the CPU of the standard PS5, it would have a High CPU Frequency Mode or around 10% increase to 3.85GHz.

Every Leak You’ve Heard About PS5 Pro Specs Are Probably True. Sony Takes Down Video

Also, the GPU will offer faster rendering and higher-quality ray tracing powered by 33.5 teraflops. The native PS5 offer 10.28 teraflops. However, due to changes in AMD’s architecture, a direct comparison of the teraflops is not ideal. In reality, the comparison is closer to 10.28 versus 17 teraflops than 10.28 versus 33.5.

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Insider Gaming claimed to have received the documentation containing PS5 Pro specs from a source that doesn’t want to be mentioned under the condition that it should not be shared publicly or privately.

Insider Gaming also claimed that the Devkits have been available to Sony’s first-party studios since September 2023 but were only shared with third-party developers around January 2024. From Spring 2024, Testkits will be made available, which should be identical to the final product.

Sony usually launches new consoles with a first-party title that showcases the power of the console. However, earlier this year, Sony executive Hiroki Totoki confirmed that there will be no major first-party game released before April 2025.