GameBaba Universe

I may be one of the few who believe showing love should not be pinned to just one day in an entire calendar year. However, if you do need a cue, Valentine’s Day should be that day for you. Finding the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a gamer can take the wind out of the sails—but it should not be that tough.

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

Firstly, how do you show someone that you love them? There are different ways people profess love. Some do it with flowery words. Others sacrifice their time and attention for the ones they love. However, a universally accepted means of expressing love is through gifting.

If you are in love with a gamer, you are probably already scratching your head because you are unsure of the right Valentine’s Day gift for them. Well, it may be consoling to know that you are not alone. I have had people reach out to me in the past asking what I love as a gamer so that they can get it for their partners.

What is unique about 2024 Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is an annual celebration on the 14th of February. It is believed that the feast was first celebrated to honor a priest called Valentine who was martyred around 270 CE. Now, it has become a day when lovers express their affection to each other—the best way they know how.

This year’s celebration is unique because it coincides with Ash Wednesday, the start of a 40-day fasting period for most Christian denominations in preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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The fuss here is that Christians are mandated to fast from food and meat on Ash Wednesday. So, if your Valentine’s Day gift idea revolves around dining with your lover, you may have to make adjustments to that plan. Not to worry, I have made a list of some of the best Valentine’s Day gift ideas that you can get for your lover.

Most similar lists will just suggest products. However, my list will suggest categories instead of just products. Then, within each category, I will suggest products. I believe grouping Valentine’s Day gifts for gamers into categories will make it easier for our readers to find what they are looking for.

So, instead of just talking about the products, I will talk about the categories and why it is important to gamers. You can decide whether to get one or more products within a category. Without further chitchats, let’s get started.

#1. Video game figurine

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

Every gamer has a favorite title they will never forget—and by extension a favorite character. The reason why one player may love one character more than another can differ. However, it sometimes boils down to their brains, brawns, and beauty.

Peradventure you know your lover’s favorite video game character, one of the ways you can make him/her feel special is by handing them a figurine of their favorite character. Those little statues have a way of making the character come alive and would be appreciated by your lover.

Here is a post about 10 female video game characters which has links to their figurines. Below are some other popular video game figurines that you can check out.

#2. Video game wall décor

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

If your lover has a video game man cave, one of the best gifts that you can give them is a video game-themed wall décor. A man cave is more like a safe space where gamers go to get in the mood or block out every external distraction so that they can focus on doing what they love best—playing.

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A video game man cave embellished with the right wall décor can put a gamer in the right frame of mind to attack even the most difficult titles. Video game wall décor can be paintings on canvas or wood, neon signs, and everything else that can be hung on the wall. Here is a post that suggests some of the best video game wall decors.

#3. Video game accessories

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

The difference between beating the campaign of a triple-A game and getting stuck at a dead end often boils down to having the right accessories—only gamers will understand this. When you are thinking of a Valentine’s Day gift idea for your lover, think of getting them an accessory that will enhance their gaming experience.

When it comes to accessories, there is a sea of options to consider. From gaming chairs to enhanced controllers and headphones, the options will likely boil down to what they need the most and how much you have to spend. Unsure of the right accessory to get your lover? Simply ask them what they need the most or check out this list of must-have video game accessories.

#4. Video game-themed clothes

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

Gamers are usually not afraid of publicly disclosing their identity. They like to wear it like a badge of honor wherever they go. Well, if your lover is a proud gamer, you can massage their ego this Valentine’s Day by getting them video game-themed clothes.

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It can be a T-shirt that has video game images, socks with cool writings around video games or throw pillows for their man cave. If you have the means, visit a local artist and have a T-shirt customized with their favorite title and maybe a cool Valentine’s Day love message. If you don’t have that luxury, check out some of these pre-created Valentine’s Day-themed gaming clothes.

#5. Card games

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

Let’s face it, not everyone loves video games. Assuming you fall into this category and always feel left out whenever your lover gets absorbed in the virtual world of video games, one Valentine’s Day gift idea that can help you communicate how you feel is a card game.

While video games can be enjoyed solo, I’m yet to see a card game that was designed to be played solo. All the card games I know are designed to be played by an upward of two persons. So, when next you visit, you can simply ask him or her to play a card game with you without feeling like a nag. Below are cool card games you can choose from.

#6. Video game-themed utensils

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

It always feels surreal to eat and drink from your favorite game, literally. Gamers like to keep a cup handy so that they can stay hydrated while they play, considering the long stretch of hours that an average gamer can spend in front of the screen.

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Let’s assume your lover is a streamer who makes a living from sharing video game content on their channel, there is no better romantic way to show your support than getting them a video game-themed cup that they will not be ashamed of showing off in their livestreams. There is a vast option to choose from, like the ones below.

#7. Retro video game

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

While every gamer dreams of having the latest-gen consoles, taking a leap back to the first generation of consoles can have a priceless nostalgic feeling that helps you to appreciate how far video games have come. It can even bring back cherished childhood memories.

For example, if you have been together across several console generations, your retro Valentine’s Day gift can be the console that your partner was playing when you first met. What could be more romantic? Below are some of the classic video game consoles that should hit the sweet spot on your partner.

#8. Handheld game

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

The best Valentine’s Day gift you can give a gamer who travels a lot is a handheld gaming console. Finding a way to stay entertained during long flight hours or road trips can be tough for gamers. Sadly, carrying consoles around is usually not convenient.

Handheld game consoles, on the other hand, can easily be tossed into the bag without taking up a significant amount of space. Also, handheld games have come a long way with some of the best handhelds now having the power to play AAA games. Here is a list of 7 of the best handheld game consoles.

#9. Video game subscription

#9. Best Valentine’s Day Gift Categories For Gamers In 2024

Many years ago, you had to pay for every single game that was released by the developer if you wanted to play. Today, most of the major console makers have created a subscription-based service where subscribers can enjoy a curated list of games for free every month.

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Microsoft and Xbox are pushing the boundaries of their subscription-based services to the point where some games are available on the service from day one of release. For example, Bethesda’s first new IP in sixteen years called Starfield was available to game pass from the first day of release. If your Valentine’s Day gift to your partner is a few months of video game subscription, the feeling will be over the moon.

What’s your Valentine’s Day gift idea for your partner?

So, that’s a wrap from me. These are the categories of Valentine’s Day gift ideas that you can get for your lover. Hopefully, the descriptions I left in each of the categories will help you decipher what might appeal the most to your lover.

If there is any category of gift that you think I missed that should be included on this list, feel free to share them using the comment box below.

Anthony Emecheta

Anthony Emecheta has over a decade experience as a freelance writer. Gaming has always been a childhood hobby and he is excited to be collaborating with a gaming company as a content creator. It is like having all the things he loves in one place.